Coca Bowla Al Fakher Custom Shisha Mix
SKU: BTO-AF-CustomMix-06
Did you know Cola shisha flavors exist in our big world of Hookah? Al Fakher Cola is one of their more unique flavors in the lineup because we're not really sure what makes it cola but it's definitely COLA. Our goal with this mix is to create a blend of cherry cola mix with a touch of cool cream. The mint cream is very sweet by itself, so we don't want to use too much as it might overpower the bowl. Lay out some of your Cola shisha and sprinkle the Cherry flavor right on top, then blend it together. If you've never had Cola by Al Fakher, try to have more of it in your mix than the cherry, afterwards you can play around with the portions once you've got a taste for the Cola. Now that we have some Cherry Cola action in our bowl, we'll add Mint Cream in a small pockets around the outer rim or layered between.
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